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频率标准与数字时钟的远程校准校准规范JJF 1206-2008
基桩动测仪测量系统JJF 0003-1996
计量器具的可靠性分析原则-Technical Norm of Reliabity Analysis Principle for Measuring InstrumentsJJF 1024-1991
常用电学计量名词术语(试行)-General Metrological Terms for Electrical MeasurementJJF 1023-1991
计量标准的命名规范(试行)-The Technical Norm of Designation for Metrological StandardJJF 1022-1991
产品质量检验机构计量认证技术考核规范-The Technical Examination Norm for Metrology Accreditation of Testing Unit for Testing of Product QualityJJF 1021-1990
γ射线辐射加工剂量保证监测方法-Dose Assurence Monitoring Method for γ-ray Radiation Processing LevelJJF 1020-1990
60C0 远距离治疗束吸收剂量的邮寄监测方法-Postcheck Method for 60Co Radiothorapy Beam Absorbed DoseJJF 1019-1990
使用重铬酸钾(银)剂量计测量γ射线水吸收剂量标准方法-Standard Method for Using the Potassium(silver) Dickromate Dosimeter to Measure γ-ray Absorbed Dose in waterJJF 1018-1990
使用硫酸铈-亚铈剂量计测量γ射线水吸收剂量标准方法-Standard Method for Using the Ceric-Cerous Dosimeter to measure γ-ray Absorbed Dose in waterJJF 1017-1990
计量器具定型鉴定规范的编写规则-Rules for Drafting Norms of Pattern Evraluation of Measuring InstrumentsJJF 1016-1990
计量器具定型通用规范-The General Norm for Pattorn Evaluation of Measuring InstrumentsJJF 1015-1990
罐内液体石油产品计量技术规范-Technical Norm of the Measurement of Liquid Petroleum Products in TarksJJF 1014-1989
磁学计量常用名词术语及定义(试行)-Terms in common Use and Their Definitions for the Magnetic MetrologyJJF 1013-1989
常用湿度计量名词术语(试行)-General Terms for Humidity MeasurementJJF 1012-1987
力值与硬度计量名词术语及定义(试行)-Terminology and Definitions for Measurement of Force and HardnessJJF 1011-1987
直流电组计量保证方案技术规范(试行)-Techinical Specification of MAP for D.C resistanceJJF 1038-1993
线列固体图象传感器特性参数测试技术规范-Technical Norm of measurement and Test of Characteristic Parameters for Linear Solia State Linage SensorsJJF 1037-1993
交流电能表检定装置试验技术规范-Test Norm of Verification Equipment for AC Electrical Energy MeterJJF 1036-1993
电离辐射计量名词及定义(试行)-Ionizing Radiation Metrological TermsJJF 1035-1992
声学计量名词及定义(试行)-Metrological Terms For AcousticsJJF 1034-1992
计量标准考核规范(试行)-Technical Norm of Check For Standard of Measure mentJJF 1033-1992
光学辐射计量名词及其定义(试行)-Terms and Their Definitions For Optrcal Radiation MeasurementJJF 1032-1992
依法管理的物理化学计量器具分类规范-The Chassifical Table of Physical and Chemical Measuring Instruments Manayed by Metrogical LowJJF 1031-1992
恒温槽技术性能测试规范-Measurement and Test Norm of Thermostatic Baths Metrological CharacteristicsJJF 1030-1991
电子探针定量分析用标准物质研究规范-The Technical Norm for Development of Certified Reference Materied Used in Quantitative Analysis of Electron MicroprobeJJF 1029-1991
使用重铬酸银剂量计测量γ射线水吸收剂量标准方法-Standard Method for Using the Silver Dichromate Dosimeter to Measure γ-Ray Absorbed Dose in WaterJJF 1028-1991
测量误差及数据处理(试行)-Technical Norm for Error of Measurements and Interpretation of DataJJF 1027-1991
光子和高能电子束吸收剂量测定方法-Absorbed Dase Determination in Photon and Electron BeamsJJF 1026-1991
机械秤改装规范-Technical Norm of Machine Scale RemakeJJF 1025-1991
工作计量器具命名与分类代码JJF 1051-1996
工作用热传导真空计校准规范JJF 1050-1996
温度传感器动态响应校准JJF 1049-1995
数据采集系统校准规范-Calibration Specification of Data Acquisition SystemJJF 1048-1995
磁耦合直流电流测量变换器校准规范JJF 1047-1994
金属电阻应变计的工作特性技术规范JJF 1046-1994
长度(量块)计量保证方案技术规范(试行)-Technical Specification of MAP for Length of Gauge BlockJJF 1045-1993
放射性核素活度计量保证方案技术规范(试行)-Technical Specification of MAP for Activity of RadionuclidesJJF 1044-1993
维氏硬度计量保证方案技术规范(试行)-Technical Specification of MAP for Veckers HardnessJJF 1043-1993
直流电动势计量保证方案技术规范(试行)-Technical Specification of MAP for DC EMFSJJF 1042-1993
磁性材料磁参数计量保证方案技术规范(试行)-Technical Specification of MAP for Properties of Magnitic MaterialsJJF 1041-1993
射频衰减计量保证方案技术规范(试行)-Techincal Specification MAP for Radion AttenuationJJF 1040-1993
同轴功率计量保证方案技术规范(试行)-Techinical Specification of MAP for Coaxial PowerJJF 1039-1993
人血清无机成分分析结果评定规范JJF 1054-1996
负荷传感器动态特性校准规范JJF 1053-1996
气流式纤维细度测定仪的校准JJF 1052-1996
千克副基准砝码操作技术规范-- 千克副基准砝码JJF 1233A-1990
千克作证基准砝码操作技术规范JJF 1232-1990
千克基准砝码操作技术规范JJF 1231-1990
200~2500MPa压力基准操作技术规范JJF 1230-1990
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