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住宅轻钢装配式构件JG/T 182-2008
混凝土标准养护箱JG 238-2008
混凝土试模JG 237-2008
打叶烟叶专用检测仪器计量检定规程 第3部分:叶中含梗测定仪JJG(烟草) 23.3-2009
打叶烟叶专用检测仪器计量检定规程 第2部分:叶片振动分选机JJG(烟草) 23.2-2009
打叶烟叶专用检测仪器计量检定规程 第1部分:多层振动筛分器JJG(烟草) 23.1-2009
常规分析用吸烟机检定规程JJG(烟草) 13-2009
混凝土坍落度仪JG/T 248-2009
混凝土碳化试验箱JG/T 247-2009
混凝土抗冻试验设备JG/T 243-2009
维勃稠度仪JG/T 250-2009
混凝土试验用振动台JG/T 245-2009
建筑遮阳篷耐积水荷载试验方法JG/T 240-2009
建筑外遮阳产品抗风性能试验方法JG/T 239-2009
混凝土含气量测定仪JG/T 246-2009
建筑遮阳产品操作力试验方法JG/T 242-2009
建筑遮阳产品机械耐久性能试验方法JG/T 241-2009
混凝土试验用搅拌机JG 244-2009
分布(颜色)温度标准灯-Verification Regulation of Distribution (Colour) Temperature of Standard LampJJG 213-1990
色温表-Verification Regulation of Colour Temperature MeterJJG 212-1990
亮度计-Verification Regulation of Iuminance MeterJJG 211-1989
气象用水银气压表-Verification Regulation of Meteorological Mercurial BarometerJJG 210-1980
千分尺-Velification Regulation of Micrometer with Measuring Range up to 500 mmJJG 21-1986
塑料洛氏硬度计量器具检定系统框图JJG 2092-1995
塑料球压痕硬度计量器具检定系统框图JJG 2091-1995
顶焦度计量器具检定系统框图JJG 2090-1994
顶焦度计量器具检定系统-Measuring Instruments for Vertex PowerJJG 2090-1990
体积管-Verification Regulation of Pipe ProverJJG 209-1994
60C0γ射线辐射加工级水吸收剂量检定系统框图JJG 2089-1990
脉冲激光能量计量器具检定系统框图JJG 2088-1990
直流电动势计量器具检定系统框图JJG 2087-1990
交流电压计量器具检定系统框图JJG 2086-1990
交流功率计量器具检定系统框图JJG 2085-1990
标准光学高温计-Verification Regulation of the Standard Optica PyrometerJJG 227-1980
双金属温度计-Verification Regulation of Bimetal ThermometerJJG 226-1989
热能表-Verification Regulation of Thermal Energy MetersJJG 225-1992
杠杆千分表试行-Verification Regulation of Dial Test Indicator with Scale Division of 0.002mmJJG 224-1980
海洋电测温度计JJG 223-1996
铁路机车和车辆车轮踏面样板-Verification Regulation of Wheel Contour Gauge for Railway Locomotives and Vehicles (Verification Regulation of Electronic Level )JJG 222-1991
铁路机车和车辆车轮检查器-Verification Regulation of Wheel Checker for Railway Locomotives and VehiclesJJG 221-1991
铁路轮对内距尺-Verification Regulation of Gauge for Measuring Distance Between Inside Rim Faces of Railway WheelsJJG 220-1986
内径千分尺-Velification Regulation of Internal MicrometerJJG 22-1991
铁路轨距尺-Verification Regulation of Track Gauge for Standard Gauge RailwayJJG 219-1986
电感工作基准-Verification Regulation of Working Standards for InductanceJJG 218-1991
动态液体流量标准装置试行-Verification Regulation of Liquid Flowrate Standard Facilities by Dynamic MethodJJG 217-1989
机电秤-Verification Regulation of Mechanical -Electronic ScaleJJG 216-1987
旋转粘度计试行-Verification Regulation of Rotational ViscometerJJG 215-1981
滚动落球粘度计试行-Verification Regulation of Viscosimeter for Roll -Down Ball TypeJJG 214-1980
总光通量白炽标准灯-Verification Regulation of Incandescent Standard Lamp for Total Luminous FluxJJG 247-1991
发光强度标准灯-Verification Regulation of Standard Lamp of Luminous IntensityJJG 246-1991
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