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杠杆式千分尺-Velification Regulation of Indication MicrometerJJG 26-1986
标准金属量器-Verification Regulation of Standard Metal TankJJG 259-1989
水平螺翼式水表-Verification Regulation of Horizotal Spiral Blade Water MeterJJG 258-1988
玻璃转子流量计试行-Verification Regulation of Glass RotametersJJG 257-1994
DYB-2 型电子管电压表检定仪-Verification Regulation of Tube Voltmeter Verification Device DYB-2JJG 256-1981
三厘米波导热敏电阻座-Verification Regulation of Waveguide Thermistor Mount for X-BandJJG 255-1981
补偿式电压表-Verification Regulation of Compensation VoltmeterJJG 254-1990
用Д1-2型衰减标准装置检定衰减器-Verification Regulation of Calibrating Attenuator by 1-2 Type Attenuation Standard EquipmentJJG 253-1981
RS-2及RS-3型校准接收机-Verification Regulation of Calibration Receiver Type RS-2 and RS-3JJG 252-1981
失真度测量仪-Verification Regulation of Distortion Factor MeterJJG 251-1981
电子电压表-Verification Regulation of Electronic VoltmeterJJG 250-1990
螺纹千分尺-Velification Regulation of Screw Thread MicrometerJJG 25-1987
激光小功率计试行-Verification Regulation of Laser Power Meter in Low RangeJJG 249-1981
工作标准激光小功率计试行-Verification Regulation of Working Standard of Laser Power Meter in Low RangeJJG 248-1981
半自动周节检查仪-Verification Regulation of Semiautomatic Circular -Pitch TesterJJG 294-1982
激光中功率计试行-Verification Regulation of Medium Level Laser Power MeterJJG 293-1982
铷原子频率标准检定规程JJG 292-1996
铷原子频率标准-Verification Regulation of Rubidium Gas Cell Frequency StandardsJJG 292-1982
复膜电极溶解氧测定仪-Verification Regulation of Film Electrode Dissolved Oxygen MeterJJG 291-1982
工业铂铑30-铂铑6热电偶-Verification Regulation of Industrial Platinum -Rhodium 30/Platinum -Rhodium 6ThermocoupleJJG 290-1982
平行平晶-Verification Regulation of Parailel Optical FlatJJG 29-1991
表层水温表-Verification Regulation of Surface ThermometerJJG 289-1982
颠倒温度表-Verification Regulation of Deep Sea Reversing ThermometerJJG 288-1982
气象用双金属温度计-Verification Regulation of Meteorological Bimetallic ThermographJJG 287-1982
高度游标卡尺(测量上限大于1000到2000)-Verification Regulation of Vernier Height Gauge with Upper Measuring Limit above 1000~2000JJG 286-1982
带时间比例、比例积分微分作用的动圈式温度指示调节仪表-Verification Regulation of Moving Coil Temperature Indicating Instrument With Time Proportional or PID ActionJJG 285-1993
海水分析用玻璃量器-Verification Regulation of Glassware for Seawater AnalysisJJG 284-1982
正多面棱体检定规程JJG 283-1997
正多面棱体-Verification Regulation of Angular PolygonJJG 283-1981
激光干涉比长仪JJG 331-1994
激光干涉比长仪-Laser Interference ComparatorJJG 331-1983
机械式深度温度计-Mechanical BathythermagraphJJG 330-1983
角度规-Verification Regulation of Bevel ProtracterJJG 33-1979
电子频闪式转速表试行-Electronic Stroboscopic TachometerJJG 329-1983
小角度检查仪试行-Verification Regulation of Small Angle TesterJJG 300-1982
游标卡尺-Verification Regulation of Vernier CaliperJJG 30-1992
木折尺-Velification Regulation of Wooden Folded RuleJJG 3-1984
工作标准感光仪-Verification Regulation of Working Standard SensitometerJJG 299-1982
中频标准振动台(比较法)JJG 298-1995
校准振动台-Verification Regulation of Calibration VibratorsJJG 298-1982
标准硬质合金洛氏(A标尺)硬度快检定规程JJG 297-1997
标准压电加速度计-Verification Regulation of Standard Piezoelectric AccelerometerJJG 297-1991
杠杆式力标准机-Verification Regulation of Lever Force Standard MachineJJG 296-1987
液压式力标准机-Verification Regulation of Hydrolic Force Standard MachineJJG 295-1989
血压计和血压表检定规程JJG 270-1995
血压计和血压表试行-Verification Regulation of the Desk SphygmomanometerJJG 270-1988
杠杆式卡规-Velification Regulation of Snap Gauge of Lever-TypeJJG 27-1980
扭转试验机试行-Verification Regulation of Torsion Testing MachinesJJG 269-1981
GZZ2-1 型转筒式电码探空仪-Verification Regulation of Model GZZ 2-1 Turning Cylinder Code -Type RadiosondeJJG 268-1982
标准煤气表JJG 267-1996
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